Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My first house chore

As a member of this family, one must earn her keep.  We decided on Ella's first house chore - yes, she may only be 17 months but she's old enough to help out! What could a 17 month old help with?  Feeding the dogs.  ;)
Video:  Ella attempts at feeding the dogs (October 1, 2012).
Video:  Ella decides to move the food away from the dogs (October 1, 2012).

Over the next few days Ella has made this chore into a very entertaining game.  How can feeding the dogs become a game?  Well, Ella has decided to not put the food in the dog bowl but to walk around throwing the dog food so to get the dogs to chase for their food.  My child finds interesting ways to get a laugh.

Video:  Ella feeding the dogs - kinda (October 3, 2012).
Video:  Ella wants more dog food (October 3, 2012).
It took her a few tries but Ella has mastered reaching into the dog food container and scooping out dog food on her own. We're very proud at how persistant she is at getting things done.
Video:  Ella scoops the dog food (October 8, 2012).
Video:  Ella refuses to stop feeding the dogs (October 8, 2012).
I wonder what she'll do next to the dogs.

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