Saturday, June 23, 2012

8th Grade Graduation Pool Party

Costco & Play Date:
We spent last Friday, June 15th at Costco, with the Adair kids and an 8th grade graduation pool party.  While at Costco, we bumped into Isaac, Paige and Jack and Ella had a blast with the kids.  Ella especially loved having Isaac entertain her while I was paying for our items.  Afterward, we were able to take the Adair kids home with us and spent the afternoon playing before the going to the pool party.

Video:   Isaac entertaining Ella at Costco (June 15, 2012).

Picture:  Paige feeding Ella her lunch (June 15, 2012).

8th Grade Graduation Pool Party for Genna and Olivia
Ella got invited to her first pool party to celebrate Genna and Olivia's 8th grade graduation.  We didn't go into the pool as she doesn't like the pool (but she sure does love the beach entrance at the rec center).  However, she loved eating watermelon and dancing in front of the friends.  Good times as always.

Video:  Ella relaxing on Sabrina's swing next to the pool (June 15, 2012).

Picture:  Ella chilling by the pool watching the kids (June 15, 2012).


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